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Extremst peinlich. Bei sowas ist immer Fremd schämen angesagt.
Twilight of the Thunder God
Born From Pain - Rise or Die - In Love With the End
Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow - Dear Agony
dragons dogma theme bz into free dangan english - [MP3JUICES.COM]
Madball - Heavenhell - Legacy
Meek Mill - Flexing - [MP3JUICES.COM]
metal gear rising rules of nature (mg ray theme) - [MP3JUICES.COM]
Periphery - Icarus Lives! - Periphery
Sevendust - Face to Face - Seasons
Trivium - Rain - Ascendancy
Alter Bridge - [One Day Remains #05] Metalingus [WWE Edit by Fire-X]
Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgaard
Amon Amarth - [Fate Of Norns #04] Pursuit Of Vikings
As I Lay Dying - [Shadows Are Security #04] The Darkest Nights
As I Lay Dying - [Shadows Are Security CD1 #08] Through Struggle
Black Label Society - [The Blessed Hellride CD1 #08] Destruction Overdrive
Born From Pain - [In Love with the End #03] The New Hate
Bratkilla - [Violent Crayon #04] Origin Unknown
Breaking Benjamin - [Dear Agony #08] Lights Out
Breaking Benjamin - [Halo 2 #02] Blow Me Away
Bring Me The Horizon - [Suicide Season: Cut Up CD2 #08] The Sadness Will Never End
Can't Be Touched, Can't Be Touched - [Body Head Bangerz, Body Head Bangerz #02] Roy Jones Jr. - Can - [MP3JUICES.COM]
Celldweller - [Celldweller #02] Switchback
Chelsea Grin - [Desolation Of Eden #08] Recreant
Chelsea Grin - [Desolation Of Eden #06] The Human Condition
Chimaira - [Coming Alive CD1 #16] Pure Hatred
Chimaira - [The Impossibility of Reason CD1 #04] Power Trip
Chimaira - [The Infection #09] Try to Survive
Clawfinger - [Clawfinger #03] Biggest & The Best
Disturbed - [Believe #02] Liberate
Disturbed - [Ten Thousand Fists #08] Stricken
Disturbed - [The Sickness #04] Down With the Sickness
Disturbed - [The Sickness] Meaning Of Life
Disturbed - [The Sickness [Bonus Tracks] CD1 #06] Fear
Dope - [Group Therapy #18] 18 - Die Mother Fucker Die
Drowning Pool - [Drowning Pool #01] Let The bodies hit the floor!
Earshot - [Two #01] Wait
Ellie Goulding - Lights (Bassnectar Remix)
Emmure - [Speaker Of The Dead #05] Solar Flare Homicide
Feared - [WORKOUT #03] Changes
Feared - [WORKOUT #06] Godlike
Five Finger Death Punch - [American Capitalist [Deluxe Ed #03] 03. The Pride
Five Finger Death Punch - [War Is the Answer CD1 #03] Bulletproof
Five Finger Death Punch - [War Is The Answer #04] No One Gets Left Behind
Five Finger Death Punch - [War Is the Answer [CD/DVD] Disc 1 #13] War Is the Answer
Foo Fighters - [Echoes, Silence, Patience & Gr #01] The Pretender
Godsmack - [Feceless #03] Changes
Godsmack - [Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack #08] I Stand Alone
Godsmack - [The Oracle #01] Cryin' Like A Bitch
Gojira - [L'Enfant Sauvage [Special Edition] Disc 1 #02] L' Enfant Sauvage
Gojira - [The Way of All Flesh #10] Vacuity
guano apes - [Proud Like a God #01] Open Your Eyes
Haftbefehl - Chabos Wissen Wer Der Babo Ist feat. Farid Bang
Hatebreed - [For The Lions #05] Set It Off (Madball Cover)
Hatebreed - [Perserverance #04] I Will Be Heard
Hatebreed - [Perserverance #02] Persevenerance
Hatebreed - [Supremacy #06] Destroy Everything
Hatebreed - [Supremacy #12] As Diehard as They Come
Hatebreed - [Supremacy #05] Give Wings To My Triumph
Hatebreed - [The Revenge #04] To The Threshold
Icepick - [Violent Epiphany #11] 11 - Onward to victory
In Flames - [A Sense of Purpose #03] Sleepless Again
In Flames - [Come Clarity #01] Take This Life
Keith Merrow - [The Arrival #03] Pillars of Creation
Killswitch Engage - [As Daylight Dies #05] My Curse
Killswitch Engage - [As Daylight Dies #02] This is Absolution
Killswitch Engage - [As Daylight Dies (Special Edition) #03] The Arms Of Sorrow
Killswitch Engage - [The End Of Heartache #01] Rose Of Sharyn
Killswitch Engage - [The End Of Heartache (Special Edition) (Bonus Album) #03] The End Of Heartache (Resident Evil Version)
Killswitch Engage - [WWE: Wreckless Intent #255] This Fire Burns
Kollegah - [Alphagene #02] Veni, Vidi, Vici
Kraddy - ["Android Porn" b/w "Steppin' Razor" #01] Android Porn
Lamb Of God - [Ashes Of The Wake #03] Now You've Got Something To Die For
Lamb Of God - [Ashes Of The Wake #11] Remorse Is For The Dead (Album)
Lamb Of God - [Sacrament [Deluxe Edition - CD/DVD] #03] Redneck
Lamb Of God - [Wrath #07] Broken Hands
Lamb Of God - [Wrath #10] Choke Sermon
Lamb Of God - [Wrath #08] Dead Seeds
Lamb Of God - [Wrath #06] Grace
Lamb Of God - [Wrath #02] In Your Words
Lamb Of God - [Wrath CD1 #03] Set To Fail
Limp Bizkit - [(2000) Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water #06] Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)
Linkin Park - [Hybrid Theory CD1 #01] Papercut
Linkin Park - [Hybrid Theory CD1 #04] Points Of Authority
Linkin Park - [WORKOUT #03] Somewhere I Belong
Linkin Park - [WORKOUT #05] Hit The Floor
Linkin Park - [WORKOUT #07] Faint
Linkin Park - [WORKOUT #13] Numb
Machine Gun Kelly ft. DMX - [http://www.RnB4U.in #15] D3mons (2012) [http://www.RnB4U.in]
Machine Head - [Supercharger #02] Bulldozer
Machine Head - [Through The Ashes Of Empires #01] Imperium
Madball - [Legacy CD1 #03] Behind These Walls
Meshuggah - [Koloss #07] Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion
Meshuggah - [obZen CD1 #01] Combustion
Nero - [MTA002 #01] Innocence
Our Waking Hour - [Seconds To Save Her CD1 #10] Curtain Call
Nekofrog - [http://ocremix.org #1893] Mega Man 2 'Wily's Requiem' OC ReMix
Papa Roach - [Infest #06] Blood Brothers
Papa Roach - [Infest #02] Last Resort
Platinum Games\Kojima Productions - [Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Demo Soundtrack CD1 #25] Unknown Battle Song A - Possibly Mistral's Theme ~Medley B~
Rammstein - Feüer Frei
Rob Bailey & The Hustle Standard - [Battle Tested - EP CD1 #01] Hold Strong
Rob Zombie - [The Sinister Urge] Feel So Numb
Senser - [Schematic ] 101 Infoburner
Sick Of It All - [Death To Tyrants #01] Take The Night Off
Sick Of It All - [Death To Tyrants #05] Always War
Skillet - [Comatose #10] Whispers In The Dark
Skrillex - [Mortal Kombat: Songs Inspired By The Warriors] Reptile Theme
Slipknot - [Duality-(Promo CDS) #02] Duality (Album Version)
Snowgoons - [Black Snow #20] The Hatred feat. Slaine, Singapore Kane, Lord Lhus Of Bloodline
Soil - [Scars] Halo
Soilwork - [Figure Number Five #07] Cranking The Sirens
Eminem - [8 Mile #01] Lose Yourself
Static-X - [Shadow Zone CD1 #07] The Only
Terror - [Keepers Of The Faith #02] Stick Tight
Terror - [Keepers Of The Faith #10] Hell And Back
Terror - [Keepers Of The Faith #14] T.T.I.H. (Bonus Track)
Terror - The Damned The Shamed - [http://kulturadlaletramp3.blog #03] Betrayer
Terror - The Damned The Shamed - [http://kulturadlaletramp3.blog #07] Let Me Sink
Terror - [WORKOUT #09] Hell To Pay
The Acacia Strain - [Wormwood CD1 #09] Bay Of Pigs
The Acacia Strain - [Wormwood CD1 #02] The Hills Have Eyes
The Prodigy - [Invaders Must Die #02] Omen
Trapt - [Trapt #02] Headstrong
Trivium - A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation
Trivium - Like Light to the Flies
Volumes/Volumes - [The Concept Of Dreaming CD1 #02] Wormholes, Wormholes -
Ist mir schon klar
Zitat von "anzo51"
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